Posts tagged connecting

So Far Away

This past Monday I had to say goodbye to my significant other. He is going away for work in another province. This is our first time being apart from each other in almost 2 and a half years. It has been 4 full days now that he has been gone, and I’ve finally figured out why everyone loves Skype so much. I never really had a use for it before, except for connecting with clients, but now I find myself constantly checking the Skype icon in the corner, just to see if Jay has signed on yet. After his 2nd day there, he started the night shift, which then brought on something else new to me – not being able to say goodnight, or to hear him saying it to me.

I’ve been lucky to find some support groups online recently for women whose partner’s go away to work for periods of time. So far I’ve met a couple really cool ladies. It’s too bad they aren’t local. 

Now, if only I had some more writing jobs coming up to keep me a little more distracted. 

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